Coming up: EuroFinance 2018 in Geneva, 26th – 28th of September

by | Sep 21, 2018 | Events

On September 27th, Loanboox will be present at the EuroFinance conference with two speeking slots

The EuroFinance Conference 2018 is dedicated to the next generation of treasury. It’s no longer enough to just deliver on treasury’s core responsibilities. New technology, business model disruption and unprecendented compliance, regulation and geopolitical issues will change the profession beyond recognition. Treasury needs to react and adapt.

More than 185 speakers from all over the world and over 1’000 interviews and discussions will give you an insight into the future of treasury. Two of them are: Christian Klumpe, Head International Roll-Out with a panel discussion and Stefan Feller, Director Capital Markets with a demo presentation from Loanboox. Besides, Loanboox is present in the Innovation Alley with an own booth.

Come and visit the EuroFinance 2018 in Geneva to discover which tech is relevant to you and how to future-proof your treasury. Hear how to be proactive, work with the rest of the business and keep treasury relevant.


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