Fintech Literacy in Switzerland

by | Okt 10, 2019 | Events, Medien

Fintech literacy and what start-ups and corporates can learn from each other

A month ago, Cédric Bollag visited the Swiss Fintech Fair 2019 in Zurich and asked Stefan Muehlemann, CEO and founder of Loanboox, as well as three others working in the fintech environment, about the fitnech literacy and what start-ups and corporates can learn from each other.

Dr. Teddy Amberg, partner from Spicehaus and Cédric Bollag agree that, although there is already a lot more public awareness for fintechs than there was a few years ago, it still needs to increase.

Start-ups in general should be more confident even if they may fail or even if they have problems,
they should be able to speak openly about it. Interest is there, from large corporations and also from the public.

states Stefan Muehlemann from Loanboox.

On the question what fintechs and corporates can learn from each other, all interviewees agreed, that for corporates, innovation is very important. As Dr. Tillmann Lang from Yova Impact Investing describes, corporates must think outside of the structures that have been built by industries over decades. For start-ups on the other hand it’s among other things the relationship corporates often have with their clients where start-ups can learn from them, according to Stefan Muehlemann.

Are you interested in hearing the whole conversation about this topic? Watch the video by clicking here.


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