How do cities and municipalities get through the Corona crisis? What do capital providers and investors need to be successful? And what advantages does digitalisation bring? In the loanboox.asks. series, we talk to experts about topics like these. Daniel Stelter kicks off our audio talks.
The forecasts for 2021 are mixed. On the one hand, highs on the stock market – on the other hand, dampened economic expectations due to the ongoing Corona pandemic. And on top of that, central banks are pumping massive amounts of money into the markets and keeping interest rates low. In loanboox.asks. we talked to the economic expert and author Daniel Stelter about how all this is connected. He says:
The economic consequences of the Corona crisis will keep us busy for a very long time.
Listen to his assessments in the following audio:
Niedrigzins und Inflation - ein Ausblick auf 2021 mit Daniel Stelter
About Daniel Stelter:
Daniel Stelter is a macroeconomist, strategy consultant and author. In his podcast “Think beyond the obvious” he looks behind the scenes of economic and financial policy and explains important connections.
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