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Digital Shapers 2020: For the fifth time, BILANZ, together with Handelszeitung and Le Temps, has chosen the 100 most important minds in Switzerland who are at the forefront of digitalisation.

They work in large organisations and help them to make established structures fit for the digital age, ensure the necessary framework conditions for digitisation or lay the foundations for new technologies and digitisation as academics, bloggers, authors, researchers or employees in think tanks: for the fifth time, BILANZ, in collaboration with Handelszeitung and Le Temps, has chosen the Digital Shapers, the 100 people who are driving digitisation forward in the country.


The founder an VR president of Loanboox was also elected.

We congratulate Stefan Mühlemann! He is one of the important minds driving digitalisation forward. Mühlemann recently moved from CEO to the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors. Mühlemann says to the balance sheet:

“Managing people who manage other people is not one of my strengths”.

He sees himself more as a strategist and inventor. Even though he has stakes in 15 start-ups and is sometimes more involved in one or the other, most of his energy remains focused on Loanboox. Because he still has a lot of plans for the lending platform. The company is currently active in six countries. In the long term, it aims to become a global marketplace for debt capital. The expansion is to take place primarily through partnerships with banks and other financial institutions. If an acquisition presents itself, the company is not averse to it. At the same time, Mühlemann tries not to take off and to control the pace somewhat: “We are still a start-up and must not open up too many construction sites.