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Quality education is the basis for equal opportunities and a good quality of life – and one of a total of 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the UN in 2015. Loanboox also supports and promotes this goal, among other things with trial days for teenagers. Here Silvain and Yannick tell what they have experienced and learned.

What does a computer expert actually do in a company, Silvan wanted to know – being a computer freak by himself. And so he jumped at the chance to spend a day with his uncle, a Loanboox IT manager. “It was exciting! I got insights into the HTML system. It’s a bit complicated, but I still find it very interesting and I like it,” says Silvan and adds: “I also like the team my unlce works with. They are all very nice.” 

Hands on and try it out

The trial apprentices should not only watch, but also do as much as possible themselves. This also appealed to Yannick, who was allowed to accompany our Talent Management & Executive Assistant Chantal for a day. She showed him what is involved in the tasks of a commercial clerc and the marketing team.

“I was very happy about this, because it is currently very difficult to find a KV trial position. It has given me a lot of joy and a good insight,” Yannick described his experience later. He even got to really like working with Excel. His resumé: “I have learnt and seen a lot. Thank you for this great insight.”

Both could well imagine working in these jobs one day. 

What are the UN Sustainable Development Goals?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals set up by the United Nations (UN) to ensure sustainable development worldwide on an economic, social and ecological level. The SDGs are intended to be achieved by the year 2030.

UN Sustainability Development Goals

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