We have analyzed over 2000 financing requests and found that exclusive deals generated superior results for borrowers. On average, municipalities and organisations who post their financing requests exclusively via Loanboox get twice as many competitive offers compared to their peers who used several channels. The higher number of offers reflects in increased competition which ultimately results in better rates for you as borrower. 

To give you a better idea, have a look at a couple of recently closed exclusive deals below:

A Swiss municipality with 3’700 inhabitants received 17 competitive offers (including offers from local banks). The municipality concluded for 0% for 4 years which was 0.3% better than in the past allowing the municipality to save several thousand CHF per year.

A power plant in Switzerland received 8 competitive offers from investors in Switzerland and Europe. The power plant concluded at 0.78% for 8 years and at 1.25% for 12 years saving several ten thousand CHF per year compared to earlier financing terms.


Financial Director, Municipality of Matten (BE)

“I have used Loanboox exclusively and received more than 15 attractive offers. The integrated automatic comparison saves me a lot of time and the more attractive offers save the taxpayers of Matten money.

Apart from getting the best rates, those borrowers experienced an efficient process and were able to compare offers intuitively. As a nice side-effect, they of course also got seamless, audit-proof documentation of the whole process.

To sum it up, data and our experience clearly show that exclusive requests lead to:

  • less effort needed and time saving since all offers are compared automatically in the same placea
  • twice as many offers since investors haven’t received the offers through other channels
  • … resulting in: Lower rates due to efficiency gains and increased competition

To make it even more attractive, we have a time-limited offer for you until the end of 2020: Put your financing request exclusively on Loanboox, and you will benefit from better deals and an additional 25% discount on the Loanboox transaction fees.

Sounds interesting? Login to start your financing request while choosing “Exclusive request” as financing object.

More info needed? Call us (055 220 78 20), chat with us or write an email. We are always happy to help.