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Loanboox, a leading European platform for debt financing, continued its growth in 2023 and increased its revenues by +95% compared to the previous.

The Real Estate segment performed particularly well. Revenues generated in Switzerland,
Germany and France with commercial real estate financing and software-as-a-service increased by
more than 300 percent compared to the previous year. The Public and Near-Public segment also
continued to grow in Switzerland, France and Austria. Here, financings for hospitals, retirement
and nursing homes as well as energy and transport companies contributed to the good

We have successfully expanded our platform into the real estate segment, where we have seen
encouraging growth. We are satisfied with the past year and have continued our capital-efficient path, doubling revenues while reducing costs. We see great potential for 2024 to further drive the digitalization of debt financing,” explains Urs Meier, CEO of Loanboox.

Further growth across all segments in the core European markets is the main goal for 2024.

Real Estate: good traction in Switzerland, deals in Germany and France

Loanboox has been active in the Real Estate segment since 2022. Last year, the result achieved in this area already contributed 40 percent to the group’s total revenues. In 2023, a volume of more than CHF 400 million was transacted in Switzerland, Germany and France for projects in all property classes (residential, offices, commercial, hotels). The average loan size was CHF 15 million and the largest single transaction was CHF 60 million. In a challenging environment – with sharply rising interest rates and major uncertainties in the real estate sector – it has become clear that optimizing financing conditions, efficient financing processing through automated lender matching and active debt management are becoming increasingly important. With its brokerage services (refinancing, purchase financing and construction financing) and its software solution, Loanboox was able to generate significant added value for its customers.   

SaaS: rollout of debt management module

In 2023, the new Debt Management module, which enables debt portfolios to be easily analyzed
and managed, was significantly enhanced. Designed as software-as-a-service product, it is a 360°
solution for financial managers. Key features of the Debt Management module include portfolio
management and analysis, financial planning, market and scenario analysis, and covenant

Public finance: Position in Switzerland maintained

Loanboox has been a close partner of the public sector in Switzerland since 2016. In 2023, the
company confirmed its position as the leading digital financing platform for public borrowers
such as municipalities and cities. There was also an increase in financings for Near-Public
borrowers, for example in the healthcare, water and energy supply and transport sectors. In
total, more than 1’000 enquiries with a volume of over CHF 12 billion were processed in 2023 in the Public and Near-Public segment across all markets. The development of financing strategies,
the simulation of borrowing costs and portfolio analyses were particularly in demand. Loanboox
has transacted more than CHF 31 billion in volume across all business segments since the
company was founded. 


Swiss Fintech AG / Loanboox
Thomas Doriath, Communications
Urs Meier, CEO
Talacker 50, 8001 Zürich 
+41 55 220 78 00,