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IFZ Talking Finance

The podcast was created by Thomas Birrer (lecturer and project manager) and Timo Heroth (senior researcher at the Institute of Financial Services Zug IFZ) from the IFZ of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts to provide an insight into current financial topics. The main focus is on local and international topics related to Swiss finance. Among other things, they deal with the disruption caused by the digitalisation of the financial sector and the opportunities and challenges for Swiss companies.

Each episode features a guest expert to give us an insight into a particular area of expertise and allow you, the listener, to share in the expertise. In the third episode, Stefan Feller (Director Capital Markets) from Loanboox is our guest.

What is a green bond and what role do they play in the Swiss bond market?

Stefan Feller: A green bond is a bond with a fixed interest rate, the proceeds of which are reserved for specific purposes. It requires a second opinion from a specialised agency.  The issuer sets a catalogue of criteria with international standards.


What are the challenges and advantages for issuers of green bonds? Is the green bond a hype or a clear financing trend? What is happening with regard to the digitalisation of the bond market?

You can hear the answers in the podcast.