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How is the world – and Switzerland in particular – coping with the Covid 19 shock? How great is the economic damage? These questions were the focus of an exciting virtual Loanboox panel discussion with business journalist and “The Market” editor-in-chief Mark Dittli.

The bar chart makes it clear: 2020 was a disaster for most countries in economic terms. A single, red bar in the annual overview points steeply downwards. On another presentation slide, a heat map shimmers in shades of yellow, red and green. It shows a global comparison of how far the economic recovery has progressed in the individual countries – or not. “The Market’s editor-in-chief Mark Dittli explains the details and background so logically and comprehensibly that it is simply fun to follow his explanations.

Comprehensive market knowledge compactly packaged

In his 20-minute talk, the economic journalist looks at how the rapid rise in interest rates in the USA will affect the markets and Switzerland in particular. He takes a close look at economic and industrial sectors that have been the quickest to get back on their feet after the Covid 19 shock. In doing so, Dittli pays particular attention to the investor perspective. The intensive Q&A session afterwards showed how much he struck a chord with the participants. All in all, a successful start to an exciting series of expert talks.

Curious? You can watch Mark Dittli’s presentation here.


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Further expert talks and assessments on topics related to the economy, financial markets and digitalisation can be found here.