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The faces behind Loanboox


Loanboox is the leading European provider for debt financing and management. In 12 countries, 3500 transactions were closed via Loanboox. Our 30 employees are digital pioneers, banking experts, passionate coders, creative minds and industry specialists.

As different as our backgrounds may be, we have a common mission: to make debt capital markets fair & efficient, across borders.

In 12 Ländern wurden 3000 Transaktionen über Loanboox abgeschlossen

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Common values are the basis of our daily activities


Delivering great outcomes for clients is our main priority


We are not afraid to change the status quo in capital markets and to iterate quickly on innovations.


We operate as a team and help each other reach our common goals. Beyond our own team, we care about our impact on society and the environment.


Speed is essential to our success, we decide and implement fast.


We acknowledge and directly address problems and communicate openly.

Our dedicated, proficient and visionary team

Executive Board and Board of Directors

Urs Meier

Urs Meier


Dario Zogg

Dario Zogg

Co-Founder & CTO

Dominique Hügli

Dominique Hügli


Felix Ehrat

Felix Ehrat

Chairman of the Board

Stefan Muehlemann

Stefan Muehlemann

Co-Founder & Member of the Board

Andi Burri

Andi Burri

Co-Founder & Country Head Switzerland

Oliver Lang

Oliver Lang

Member of the Board

Business Development

Sarah Tinguely

Sarah Tinguely

Business Development Director

E-Mail, +41 55 220 78 26

Jan Oettli

Jan Oettli

Business Development Manager

E-Mail, +41 55 220 78 30

Patrick Zurfluh

Patrick Zurfluh

Head of Real Estate Financing

Lukas Müller

Lukas Müller

Real Estate Financing Director

Marco Berchtold

Marco Berchtold

Real Estate Financing Director

E-Mail, +41 55 220 78 27

Soraya Seriani

Soraya Seriani

Business Development Intern

E-Mail, +41 55 220 78 28

Laura Bärlocher

Laura Bärlocher

Business Development Associate

E-Mail, +41 55 220 78 34

Ronja Schmid

Ronja Schmid

Business Development Intern

E-Mail, +41 55 220 78 29

Software Development

Adrian Herzog

Adrian Herzog

Dev Team Lead

Patrick Clerc

Patrick Clerc

Software Developer

Rafael Pereira

Rafael Pereira

Software Developer

Product Management / Corporate Functions

Mike Tremp

Mike Tremp

Product & IT Manager

Sandra Vidić

Sandra Vidić

Finance & HR Manager

Thomas Doriath

Thomas Doriath

Communication / PR

Experienced personalities form our advisory board

Ueli Dietiker

Ueli Dietiker

Dominique Reber

Dominique Reber

Christian Fischer

Christian Fischer

Daniel Heller

Daniel Heller

Frank Mattern

Frank Mattern

Alexander Colombi

Alexander Colombi

Christoph Steiner

Christoph Steiner

Luzius Meisser

Luzius Meisser

Martin Altorfer

Martin Altorfer