Loanboox 2023 with strong revenue growth and high traction in  real estate financing

Loanboox 2023 with strong revenue growth and high traction in real estate financing

Loanboox, a leading European platform for debt financing, continued its growth in 2023 and increased its revenues by +95% compared to the previous.

The Real Estate segment performed particularly well. Revenues generated in Switzerland,
Germany and France with commercial real estate financing and software-as-a-service increased by
more than 300 percent compared to the previous year. The Public and Near-Public segment also
continued to grow in Switzerland, France and Austria. Here, financings for hospitals, retirement
and nursing homes as well as energy and transport companies contributed to the good

We have successfully expanded our platform into the real estate segment, where we have seen
encouraging growth. We are satisfied with the past year and have continued our capital-efficient path, doubling revenues while reducing costs. We see great potential for 2024 to further drive the digitalization of debt financing,” explains Urs Meier, CEO of Loanboox.

Further growth across all segments in the core European markets is the main goal for 2024.

Real Estate: good traction in Switzerland, deals in Germany and France

Loanboox has been active in the Real Estate segment since 2022. Last year, the result achieved in this area already contributed 40 percent to the group’s total revenues. In 2023, a volume of more than CHF 400 million was transacted in Switzerland, Germany and France for projects in all property classes (residential, offices, commercial, hotels). The average loan size was CHF 15 million and the largest single transaction was CHF 60 million. In a challenging environment – with sharply rising interest rates and major uncertainties in the real estate sector – it has become clear that optimizing financing conditions, efficient financing processing through automated lender matching and active debt management are becoming increasingly important. With its brokerage services (refinancing, purchase financing and construction financing) and its software solution, Loanboox was able to generate significant added value for its customers.   

SaaS: rollout of debt management module

In 2023, the new Debt Management module, which enables debt portfolios to be easily analyzed
and managed, was significantly enhanced. Designed as software-as-a-service product, it is a 360°
solution for financial managers. Key features of the Debt Management module include portfolio
management and analysis, financial planning, market and scenario analysis, and covenant

Public finance: Position in Switzerland maintained

Loanboox has been a close partner of the public sector in Switzerland since 2016. In 2023, the
company confirmed its position as the leading digital financing platform for public borrowers
such as municipalities and cities. There was also an increase in financings for Near-Public
borrowers, for example in the healthcare, water and energy supply and transport sectors. In
total, more than 1’000 enquiries with a volume of over CHF 12 billion were processed in 2023 in the Public and Near-Public segment across all markets. The development of financing strategies,
the simulation of borrowing costs and portfolio analyses were particularly in demand. Loanboox
has transacted more than CHF 31 billion in volume across all business segments since the
company was founded. 


Swiss Fintech AG / Loanboox
Thomas Doriath, Communications
Urs Meier, CEO
Talacker 50, 8001 Zürich 
+41 55 220 78 00,

Loanboox doubles revenue in the first half of the year: strong momentum in the new segments Real Estate Finance and SaaS

Loanboox successfully closes the first half of 2023 with encouraging growth in its business segments Public Finance, Real Estate Finance and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). A total of CHF 2 billion in financing was concluded through Loanboox in the first six months. The fintech thus doubled its revenue compared to the same period last year.

In the Public Finance segment, with which Loanboox started more than six years ago, the market-leading position in Switzerland was further expanded. The need on the borrower side to obtain competitive financing terms is high and continues to grow due to the volatile interest rate environment.

High growth momentum in Real Estate Finance

In particular, the Real Estate segment, in which Loanboox has been active for just over a year, grew strongly and already accounts for around 40 percent of revenue: In a challenging market environment with rising interest rates, transactions with a volume of over CHF 160 million were closed in the first half of 2023. These transactions generate substantial efficiency gains for lenders and significant interest savings for borrowers. Loanboox’s customers include real estate companies such as Ina Invest AG, which is listed on the Swiss stock exchange SIX, as well as real estate funds and housing cooperatives.

SaaS: Loanboox further expands financing tool

Since the beginning of 2022, Loanboox has also been active in the Software-as-a-Service segment, offering customers white label solutions that enable efficient sourcing and management of debt capital. In 2023, the software was enhanced with key features and includes new tools for portfolio management, scenario analysis as well as covenant monitoring.

In recent months, various companies have already decided to use the software, for example Refolio Real Estate AG:

«We use the software to centrally manage all aspects of our real estate financing. It supports us with data-based decisions and forecasts as well as with reporting and traceability. Excel lists are definitely a thing of the past», says Nicola Haas, CEO Refolio Real Estate AG.

New leadership team takes over

Urs Meier, already a member of the Executive Board, will become the new CEO of Loanboox. He will take over from Philippe Cayrol, who is leaving the company at his own request at the end of July to take on a new challenge after around three years with the company. In addition to Urs Meier, Dario Zogg (Chief Technology Officer) and Dominique Hügli (Chief Product Officer) complete the management team.

Dr. Felix R. Ehrat will take over as Chairman of the Board of Directors. He has been a member of the board since 2020.

«Loanboox is one of the best-known fintechs in Switzerland and has successfully driven digitalization in the area of marketplace lending. I am delighted to now actively shape the further development of the company as Chairman of the Board and wish the new management team great success. The entire Board thanks Philippe Cayrol for his valuable contributions and wishes him all the best in his future endeavors», says Felix R. Ehrat.

Felix R. Ehrat was a senior partner of the law firm Bär & Karrer for many years as well as a member of the Executive Committee and General Counsel of Novartis. During his professional career, he gained extensive experience in the financial services sector as chairman and member of the board of directors of several banks.

Stefan Mühlemann, the founder of Loanboox, is stepping down as chairman for health reasons, but will remain a member of the board of directors. The board of directors is completed by Oliver Lang, who has been a member since 2022.

Study results: ESG in real estate finance

Zusammen mit der Hochschule Fresenius hat Loanboox Real Estate eine Studie zum Thema ESG in der gewerblichen Immobilienfinanzierung durchgeführt. Über 90 Führungskräfte, Finanzierungsspezialisten, Asset- und Investmentmanager und Experten der Branche haben Ende 2022 an dieser Studie teilgenommen. Erhalten Sie hier die Studienergebnisse.

Welche Auswirkungen hat ESG auf die Rendite von Immobilien? Werden nicht-nachhaltige Immobilien künftig an Wert verlieren? Als wie ESG-konform stufen Asset Manager:innen und Finanzierungsexperten:innen ihre Institutionen ein?

Diese und weitere Fragen hat die Hochschule Fresenius in einer Studie zusammen mit Loanboox adressiert.

Am 26.4. wurden die Studienresultate gemeinsam mit FPS in Frankfurt zum ersten Mal vorgestellt. Der Event war bis auf den letzten Platz ausgebucht. Das Thema hat die Real Estate Experten bewegt und zu anregenden Diskussionen geführt. 

Wir haben einige Experten-Aussagen für Sie gesammelt: 

ESG Immobilienfinanzierung
Nachhaltigkeit Immobilienfinanzierung
ESG Studie Immobilienfinanzierung

Sie möchten die Ergebnisse der Studie lesen? 

komuno und Loanboox Deutschland legen das Kommunalgeschäft auf der komuno-Plattform zusammen

Gewerbliche Immobilienfinanzierung künftiger Schwerpunkt von Loanboox Deutschland


Frankfurt, 16. März 2023. Die beiden Fintechs komuno und Loanboox Deutschland vereinen ihr Kommunalgeschäft in Deutschland künftig auf der komuno-Plattform. Damit profitieren Kommunen von besseren Vergleichsmöglichkeiten und Konditionen. komuno wird neuer Marktführer bei der Vermittlung von deutschen Kommunalfinanzierungen. Loanboox wird sich künftig in Deutschland auf die gewerbliche Immobilienfinanzierung fokussieren.

Die beiden Fintech-Unternehmen komuno und Loanboox Deutschland haben in den letzten fünf Jahren erfolgreich über 1.000  Kommunen und kommunale Unternehmen auf ihren Finanzierungsplattformen mit 150 institutionellen Kapitalgebern und Banken zusammengebracht, Prozesse vereinfacht und digitalisiert. In Deutschland wurde über die beiden Plattformen zusammen ein Ausschreibungsvolumen von EUR 40 Milliarden angefragt, 5.000 Finanzierungsanfragen in der Höhe von über 8.5  Milliarden wurden erfolgreich abgeschlossen. 

Aus Loanboox und komuno wird eine Plattform für die digitale Kommunalfinanzierung in Deutschland 
Aufgrund strategischer Entwicklungen und um Kommunen die besten Konditionen anzubieten, haben sich die beiden Fintechs entschieden, das Kommunalgeschäft ab März 2023 zusammenzuführen. Raphael Schöttler, Geschäftsführer von Loanboox Deutschland, betont: „Die Zusammenführung ermöglicht den Kommunen, den ganzen Markt auf einer Plattform vorzufinden, statt verstreut. Dadurch erhalten sie die besten Konditionen – und sparen Steuergelder.“  

komuno wird führende Plattform für Kommunalfinanzierung 
Loanboox Deutschland wird seine Kommunalkunden kontaktieren und sie dabei unterstützen, sich der komuno-Plattform anzuschließen. komuno unterstreicht damit seine Marktführerschaft im deutschen digitalen Kommunalfinanzierungsmarkt. Thomas Eitenmüller, Geschäftsführer von komuno für Sales und Business Development, freut sich auf diese Kooperation: „Zukünftig können noch mehr Kommunalkunden und Investoren von unserem digitalen Markplatz für effiziente Kommunalfinanzierung profitieren. Unsere digitale Lösung vereinfacht den Ausschreibungsprozess und reduziert damit den Aufwand für alle Beteiligten erheblich. Mit der nun vereinbarten Zusammenführung auf komuno kommen wir unserem erklärten Ziel näher, allen Kommunen in Deutschland Zugang zu günstigen Finanzierungskonditionen zu verschaffen.“

Loanboox Deutschland fokussiert sich auf gewerbliche Immobilienfinanzierung 
Die Erfahrungen und Erfolge aus dem kommunalen Bereich werden das Wachstum von Loanboox Deutschland in der gewerblichen Immobilienfinanzierung weiter unterstützen. Seit 2022 profitieren Baugenossenschaften, Immobiliengesellschaften und Immobilienfonds von den erprobten Finanzierungs- und Schuldenverwaltungstools sowie Beratungsdienstleistungen. Loanboox ist in der Schweiz, in Frankreich und in Österreich weiterhin im Kommunalmarkt aktiv und Marktführer.  

Über komuno 
Die komuno GmbH ist Anbieter von komuno, der digitalen Plattform für Kommunalkredite und Fördermittel. komuno bringt kommunale Haushalte und Darlehensgeber sowie Förderbanken zusammen. Städte, Gemeinden und Zweck­verbände platzieren ihre Kreditausschreibungen bei Finanzinstituten ihrer Wahl, Finanzinstitute geben rechtsverbindliche Angebote ab. Seit September 2018 am Markt aktiv, ist komuno ein Joint Venture der Helaba Digital GmbH & Co. KG und der Lucht Probst Associates GmbH. 
Weitere Informationen unter  

Über Loanboox 
Loanboox ist die europäische Plattform für Fremdfinanzierung großer Schuldner. Seit Start im 2016 wurden 3‘000 Transaktionen in der Höhe von EUR 30 Milliarden in Deutschland, Österreich, Frankreich, der Schweiz und weiteren europäischen Ländern erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Das Unternehmen bietet innovative Tools und Beratungsdienstleistungen für die Finanzierung und Schuldenverwaltung von Immobiliengesellschaften, Baugenossenschaften, Fonds, Großunternehmen, Kommunen und kommunalen Unternehmen an.
Weitere Informationen unter:

Kontaktefür Fragen
Loanboox GmbH
Raphael Schöttler, Geschäftsführer Deutschland  
Mainzer Landstraße 33, 60329 Frankfurt am Main
+49 69 348668490,  

komuno GmbH 
Thomas Eitenmüller, Geschäftsführer 
Stresemannallee 30, 60596 Frankfurt am Main 
+49 69 66778 9580,

New signs on the horizon for residential construction

New signs on the horizon for residential construction

The German market for residential real estate is characterized by high rental and purchase prices in the metropolitan regions. An important factor here is the insufficient number of new construction projects for years and decades. The new traffic light coalition government in Berlin also wants to give new impetus here..

The German GEWOS Institute for Urban, Regional and Housing Research, based in Hamburg, expects a “trend reversal” to occur in the German real estate market in the current year 2022. According to the current GWOS Real Estate Market Analysis IMA®, which is considered the only area-wide study based on actual sales, a decline in turnover on the German transaction market is forecast. Cash turnover on the German real estate market had exceeded the €300 billion mark for the first time in the past year 2021.

The major increases in sales on the real estate market were caused primarily by the multi-family house and condominium segments and Germany’s top 10 cities: Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt/Main, Stuttgart, Düsseldorf, Leipzig, Dortmund and Essen. The decline in sales expected by the GEWOS Institute would be the first of its kind in 13 years now. This “trend reversal” is likely to be further accentuated by an inflation rate in Germany that is unprecedented for over 70 years. According to the Federal Statistical Office Destatis in Wiesbaden, the inflation rate is expected to have been as high as ten percent in September 2022.

Target mark a distant prospect

Fewer real estate sales, rising interest rates, high inflation – what’s happening to the lofty goal of the red-yellow-green German government and its Construction and Housing Minister Klara Geywitz? The coalition agreement signed in December 2022 stipulated the following: “Our goal is to build 400,000 new homes per year, 100,000 of which will be publicly subsidized homes. To achieve this, we will continue federal financial support for social housing construction, including social home ownership subsidies, and increase funding.”

But at the latest with the latest economic developments, this goal seems to have receded into the distant future. In 2021, just 293,000 new homes were completed across Germany. The 400,000 mark for 2022 is probably an illusion. Although Minister Geywitz continues to adhere to this goal, she only expects “over 200,000 apartments” for this year. The interim conclusion: There is still too little being built. The impending recession and the increased cost of building materials are also contributing to the fact that private investors and project developers are having to review and recalculate construction projects that they thought were secure and financed.

Is the Chancellor’s “boom” also coming to the housing market?

On the other hand, these developments also mean that banks are now taking a closer look at real estate financing. In its latest issue (September 29, 2022), the “Immobilien-Zeitung,” the leader medium of the German industry, ran the headline: “Lending platforms take up position”. Potential borrowers need “quick access to the appropriate lender and speedy loan decisions,” writes cover story author Ulrich Schüppler. Digital platform solutions could easily provide this quickly and reliably.

The “trend reversal” described at the beginning of this report therefore not only affects the real estate transaction market in Germany, but also project developments, financing and, above all, the residential market. In addition, the public sector, i.e., local authorities, the federal government, and the federal states in Germany, want to step up their role as developers again. Public housing construction could even be facing a major “revival”. If Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) decides to unleash billions of euros of investment on the residential real estate market, too, with a “bang”.

Author and contact for your commercial real estate financing needs:
Julian Grimm, Head of Real Estate Financing Deutschland, Loanboox GmbH
E-Mail:, Telefon: +49 221 98654215